Acne? Here’s why you should see a hormone naturopath
I get it - the way acne, breakouts, pimples, blackheads, scarring (the works) - can turn your life upside down. Other than the physical symptoms, acne can impact your self-esteem, your social life and your confidence. And those things are SO important for your overall health and wellbeing!
Personally, I struggled with acne, severely oily skin and pimples since I was about 9 years old. Years of random facial treatments, trying all the skin protocols (remember ProActiv, anyone?), topical steroids from the doctor and finally the oral contraceptive pill. The pill worked, which (many years later) told me that the underlying cause was my hormones, which were imapcted by my diet, lifestyle & genetics. And don’t get me started on the post-pill rebound acne, yikes!
That’s why here at Karinda Wholistix, I’ll leave no stone unturned when it comes to getting to the root of your acne.
Common treatments for acne can sometimes make the problem worse…
Let me guess, you’ve tried one of the following:
The oral contraceptive pill (Yaz, Estelle, Diane, etc)
Oral antibiotics
Topical steroid creams
Chemical peels
Roaccutane or similiar
Sometimes these medications and treatments work… and sometimes they don’t.
When they do work, it’s often because it’s shutting down a process in your body that dries skin, blocks sebum production, suppresses hormones, kills your skin microbiome or harshly treats the skin.
But NONE of these treatments actually treat the CAUSE of your acne & breakouts. In some cases, they may even worsen things in the long run…
The pill disrupts your natural hormonal rhythm & ‘masks’ any underlying hormone imbalances that are asking for your help
Antibiotics disrupt your microbiome, which plays important roles in your skin health, immunity, digestion, mental health & more
Roaccutane has waaaay too many side effects to list, and usually does a number on your liver. Healthy liver function is needed for clear skin
So what’s causing my acne?
In case no one’s told you, there are so many underlying causes of acne. So it can take a bit of investigating to get clarity on WHY your skin breaks out, and what is best for your skin and body. Some of the things we’ll explore together:
Underlying hormonal imbalances (acne is common in PCOS, especially acne that pops up around the chin, jaw, back & chest)
Gut health & microbiome
Immunity & inflammation
Your body’s detox pathways (liver, kidneys, lymphatics & gut)
Diet and any food intolerances/allergies that have flown under the radar
Environmental toxins & hormone disruptors
Your unique constitution (using Ayurvedic & Traditional Chinese Medicine-inspired approaches, face mapping, tongue analysis and iridology)
Any medications/supplements you’re on
Nutritional deficiencies (especially zinc, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin C, protein, vitamin E & vitamin A)
Formulating a low-tox, natural skin regimen that works for YOU
Yep, all of the above in one way or another can contribute to your skin issues!
I made this little infographic for a client recently, explaining to her that throughout our sessions, my brain looks a little like the above. These are some of the major areas of health that require assessing & addressing in order to get to the root cause of your acne. It could be one single driver listed above, but most often it’s a combination of multiple body systems that need support. Then, listed at the bottom, I added some other factors that can contribute to your acne, regardless of what the underlying cause is.
During a Karinda Wholistix session…
In a holistic naturopathic session, together we’ll explore your health story, history, current symptoms (and much more). Even if your presenting concern is just about your skin, I’ll guide you through questions on other areas of your health & body systems that are likely linked to your acne & skin health.
If you’re really keen to get a deeper look at your hormones, I offer functional hormone testing (SUPER thorough, way different to a blood test you get from the doctor) which can help us identify clear targets that are needing support. Specifically, I love using the DUTCH Test (a kind of urine test, where you receive a DIY collection kit and send in your samples to the lab) which tells us all about your key hormones, how they’re being metabolised, what your adrenal glands are doing, liver health, detoxification capacity, neurotransmitters, inflammation & so much more. I’ve used the DUTCH Test with many of my acne patients to help us get clear on what’s driving the breakouts.
There are so many evidence-based, holistic approaches we can use to help reduce your acne & clear your skin naturally.
Whether it’s using customised herbal medicines, prescribing specific nutrients or formulating a compound powder, I’ve got a lot of tools in my naturopathic tool-bag when it comes to helping improve your skin health and clear acne. Even though we’re working towards the root cause, I completely understand that sometimes, you just want to notice results ASAP.
So while we implement these amazing natural medicines to help ease inflammation & support your liver-skin connection, we’re also doing other things to help all the aspects of your health that contribute to your skin healing.
These might include focusing on:
what you eat — likely introducing some new foods, increasing current foods, or removing/reducing not-so-helpful foods
how you move — finding ways to connect with your physical body that make you feel good, and syncing up movement with your cycle (some forms of exercise are better than others, depending on where you’re at in your cycle!)
rituals for your skin — introducing self-care tools & rituals that give you the nourishment your body is asking for to help heal acne naturally
household & personal care products — there are SO many toxins that can mess with your hormones hiding in our soaps, skincare, hair care, dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, cleaning products, etc. Together we can work to minimise the toxin-load of your products to help balance your hormones & clear your skin
energy cleansing & mindset work — using daily rituals that help cleanse and protect your energy, uplift your vibration and support your mindset to truly believe that you can heal; that clear skin IS possible for you
See how this isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach?
And it doesn’t rely on one treatment protocol or product?
At Karinda Wholistix, I SERIOUSLY care about giving you a legitimately holistic approach. No stone is left unturned in how we can balance your hormones, say bye to acne & optimise your whole wellbeing.
How long will it take for me to get clearer skin?
I wish I could give a clear AF, straightforward answer. Unfortunately, I can’t. This will differ for every individual and depend on so many factors — how long you’ve had acne for, if you’ve been on (or are currently using) hormonal birth control, how severe it is, how easily you can apply new habits, reduce unhelpful habits, how keen you are on the deeper inner work (psycho-spiritual) that plays a role in your physical health, and how consistent you use your prescriptions.
You can read more about naturopathic healing & the healing journey in general in my FAQ section
But wait, there’s more!
If you’re up for it & like a bit of the woo-woo magick, I LOVE to incorporate some astrological, human design & constitutional elements into your healing journey. This can include looking at your natal chart, your human design profile, doing some personality quizzes (I’m a big fan of Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies quiz!) and assessing the energetic qualities of your symptoms, from a vitalist healing lens with influence from Ayurvedic & Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Is this sounding like the kind of healing you’re keen for? It’s seriously one-of-a-kind.
If this is feeling like a big YES to you, and you’re READY to be supported by a holistic hormone, menstrual mystic, passionate naturopath — I’d LOVE to hear from you. You can book in directly using the links below.
Holistic Health Starter Pack (6 weeks) can holistically kick-start your healing journey, no matter your symptoms. We can focus on 1-2 key health goals of yours and get you started on your natural health plan to address these
Harmonised Hormones Package (3 or 6 months) is the best option for long-term or severe acne and other skin issues, including cystic acne or acne since puberty, as we like to allow for at least 3 menstrual cycles of consistent action & treatments before expecting any amazing results.