cycle tracking 101: get the guide

Whether you’re new to period & cycle tracking, want to upgrade your current skills, or are returning to your natural cycle after birth control — you’re gonna love this wholistic guide.

tracking your cycle is more than just tracking your period.

Your bleed AND several other body signs are sacred communications from your body & hormones.

Are you ready to listen? 💫

When you know what to look out for in your cycle, you KNOW what your hormones are telling you.

Then, you can make tailored-to-you tweaks in your life to bring them back into balance! ⚖️

Free Cycle Tracking Guide

what’s included in the guide?

  • Unlock the magick of your menstrual cycle across 25 pages of juicy info, insights & guides from a menstrual cycle educator & hormone queen (that’s me!)

  • Learn the top 3 signs to track for body literacy & cycle awareness (likely to be more than what you were taught at school)

  • Rekindle with your cycle as MORE than just your period by learning the cycle phases, and how to spot them

  • Access to my Cycle Tracking Template on Google Sheets with instructions + room to customise, so that you can start tracking ASAP in a way that works for you

  • Includes a BONUS guide on basal body temperature for ovulation confirmation, PLUS a special discount code for a wearable thermometer (so you can track your temps with ease & confidence!)

  • Examples of my charts from multiple apps, including Read Your Body and Kindara, to take the overwhelm out of looking at your own cycle chart for the first time!

  • Examples of different ways to track your cycle, with and without using apps (so that you don’t feel pushed into a cookie-cutter way of cycle tracking)

  • Feel confident with your own cycle tracking so that you can say goodbye to the stressful & inaccurate period + fertility predictions on apps (hint: your human brain can decode & interpret your body FAR better than any AI could)

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