Ep 14 | Busting Probiotic Myths + Why Your Microbiome(s) Matter! with Rebecca Edwards of Activated Probiotics


Ep 14 | Busting Probiotic Myths + Why Your Microbiome(s) Matter! with Rebecca Edwards of Activated Probiotics 〰️

Episode 14:
FIRST GUEST INTERVIEW! with Rebecca Edwards of
Activated Probiotics
Busting Probiotic Myths + Why Your Microbiome(s) Matter!

A HUGE welcome to our very first guest interviewee, the fabulous Rebecca Edwards! What an absolute treat to have Rebecca on the podcast and share her informative & powerful insights on all things probiotics, microbiome & your gut (and SO much more!)

We talk about the oral microbiome (and how the microbes in your mouth can influence your risk of Alzheimer's & cardiovascular disease), vulvovaginal microbiome & how it's affected by your intestinal tract, and how mental health is *, in fact,* impacted by the beautiful bacterial ecosystem in your gut. With so much ground clearly & concisely covered, probiotic myths busted & LOTS more, this is a must-listen for ANYONE looking to improve their health or be in-the-know on the human microbiome.

ABOUT OUR GUEST: Rebecca Edwards (BA Adv.Dip.Nat Dip.Nut)

Activated Probiotics' Director of Education, Rebecca Edwards, is a speaker, writer, educator, and qualified naturopath. She has 20 years of experience educating on all aspects of complementary and integrative health. She loves nothing more than sharing cutting-edge research with her team of educators, practitioners and medical communities internationally.

Learn more: @activatedprobiotics | Activated Probiotics Website


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