How a naturopath can help with period pain
Did you know that over 90% of women under 25 in Australia alone experience period pain or heavy bleeding?
Have you ever had your period pain normalised by your GP or gyno, something along the lines of, “period pain will always be there, there’s not much we can do for it, unless you want to go on the pill?”
I’m here to SHOUT from the rooftops that while period pain is COMMON, it is in no way normal.
And when I say ‘period pain’, I’m talking cramps, stabbing pain, dull aches, pulling pains, low back pain, thigh pain, labia pain, pain when pooping, general abdominal pain — any pain that is associated with getting your period, which can present in so many different ways for different gals.
The main aim of standard doctors and specialists when it comes to menstrual pain is often just suppressing it. I can’t blame them, when we as their patients are usually desperate for relief.
So even if the pill, Mirena or prescription painkillers do help your period pain, something gets missed with this approach:
The underlying CAUSE of your period pain.
This is where a period-passionate naturopath (that’s me) SWOOPS in and says, “Please, let me help you get to the ROOT of this!”
When it comes to period pain & menstrual cramps (referred to medically as dysmenorrhea), there are a few things that I like to keep on my radar when working with you:
The state of your immunity
Digestive health, including potential food intolerance
Your diet & relationship with food, including nutrient deficiencies
Your hormone levels
Environmental toxins that are messing with your hormones
Your relationship with stress
Your connection to your cycle & period
External pressures and responsibilities that require you to “push through” your period
All of these factors (and more!) play a role in your period pain, as well as the heavy bleeding, and your general energy, vitality and experience of your menstrual phase. Has your gyno addressed these factors with you?
Unfortunately, these factors, when unaddressed, can contribute to longer-term health issues that may leave you feeling depleted, under-nourished, imbalanced & just getting by, rather than thriving.
There are so many evidence-based, holistic approaches we can use to help ease your period pain, naturally.
Whether it’s using customised herbal medicines, prescribing specific nutrients or formulating a compound powder, I’ve got a lot of tools in my naturopathic toolbag when it comes to helping to relieve your pain and take the edge off. Even though we’re working towards the root cause, I completely understand that sometimes, you just want to feel better - quickly.
So while we implement these amazing natural medicines to help ease inflammation, modulate your immune system & reduce the cramps of your uterine muscles, we can also slowly introduce some balance into your life that will shift you towards whole life balance.
These might include focusing on:
what you eat — likely introducing some new foods, or increasing current foods, or removing/reducing not-so-helpful foods
how you move — finding ways to connect with your physical body that make you feel good, and syncing up movement with your cycle (some forms of exercise are better than others, depending on where you’re at in your cycle!)
rituals for your periods — introducing self-care tools & rituals that give you the nourishment your body is asking for as you bleed
household & personal care products — there are SO many toxins that can mess with your hormones hiding in our soaps, skincare, hair care, dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, cleaning products, etc. Together we can work to minimise the toxin-load of your products to help balance your hormones
energy cleansing & mindset work — using daily rituals that help cleanse and protect your energy, uplift your vibration and support your mindset to truly believe that you can heal; that you CAN experience pain-free periods
See how this isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach?
And it doesn’t rely on one treatment protocol or product?
At Karinda Wholistix, I SERIOUSLY care about giving you a legitimately holistic approach. No stone is left unturned in how we can balance your hormones, say bye to period pain & optimise your health.
How long will it take for me to feel better using your approach to period pain?
I wish I could give a clear AF, straightforward answer. Unfortunately, I can’t. This will differ for every individual and depend on so many factors — how long you’ve had period pain for, if you’ve been on (or are currently using) hormonal birth control, how severe it is, how easily you can apply new habits, reduce unhelpful habits, how keen you are on the deeper inner work (psycho-spiritual) that plays a role in your physical health, and how consistent you use your prescriptions.
You can read more about naturopathic healing & the healing journey in general in my FAQ section
But wait, there’s more!
If you’re up for it & like a bit of the woo-woo magick, I LOVE to incorporate some astrological, human design & constitutional elements into your healing journey. This can include looking at your natal chart, your human design profile, doing some personality quizzes (I’m a big fan of Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies quiz!) and assessing the energetic qualities of your symptoms, from a vitalist healing lens with influence from Ayurvedic & Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Is this sounding like the kind of healing you’re keen for? It’s seriously one-of-a-kind.
If this is feeling like a big YES to you, and you’re READY to be supported by a holistic hormone, menstrual mystic, passionate naturopath — I’d LOVE to hear from you. You can book in directly using the links below.
Holistic Health Starter Pack (6 weeks) can holistically kick-start your healing journey, no matter your symptoms. We can focus on 1-2 key health goals of yours and get you started on your natural health plan to address these
Harmonised Hormones Package (3 or 6 months) is the best option for long-term or severe period pain, including endometriosis or adenomyosis, as we like to allow for at least 3 menstrual cycles of consistent action & treatments before expecting any amazing results.