Menstrual Cycle Basics

It's like the mini-crash-course we all needed in high school to actually understand our female bodies

but instead, we were just told to go on the pill… or never have sex 🤷🏻‍♀️

What can I learn from Menstrual Cycle Basics?

This offering is the best way to dip your toes into the world & wonders of Menstrual Cycle Awareness at a super affordable price. Inside, I'll cover:

  • WHAT is your menstrual cycle? (because there’s a LOT happening between each period!)

  • WTF are your hormones doing through a cycle?!

  • THE BENEFITS of applying Menstrual Cycle Awareness to your life

  • HOW to make simple changes in your everyday life to align with your natural hormonal rhythm

  • HOW to harness your cyclical ups & ease the hormonal dips

  • WHY Menstrual Cycle Awareness could be the next best step to support your hormone imbalances, PMS, period problems

  • HOW to practically ELEVATE your body literacy, self-understanding + female wellness

modules in Menstrual Cycle Basics

what's covered?

modules in Menstrual Cycle Basics • what's covered? •

Learn to track your menstrual cycle

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Who is this Menstrual Cycle Basics mini course for?

You'll get a ton of value out of this course if you are...

  • A woman with a menstrual cycle, wanting to know more about your body

  • Desiring to understand your cycle phases & inner seasons, to bring more balance and sustainability to your life

  • Ready to up your body literacy game (instead of feeling in-the-dark with what your ovaries are doing!)

  • Curious about Menstrual Cycle Awareness & it's benefits

  • Feeling like ya hormones are out of control!

  • Hearing a call to go deeper into understanding & connecting with your body, for the sake of your physical, emotional & spiritual health

Menstrual Cycle Basics • One Time Payment
One time

A one-time payment for lifetime access to 11 modules of easy-to-digest video content, so you can understand the foundations of your menstrual cycle & how to begin working with her holistically.

so, are you ready to:

bust some myths about your hormones...

demystify your menstrual cycle...

& soak up this potent AF body wisdom?

One time

A one-time payment for lifetime access to 11 modules of easy-to-digest video content, so you can understand the foundations of your menstrual cycle & how to begin working with her holistically.