All About Ovulation Masterclass [Live Replay]

Sale Price:$27.00 Original Price:$37.00

Includes PDF slides + links to video/audio replay

In this 1-hour-and-a-bit masterclass, I break down the biological, hormonal + spiritual importance of OVULATION.

As the queen of the Menstrual Cycle, Ovulation often gets overlooked for her much more obvious & overt sister, Menstruation. But without Ovulation, our periods don’t exist.

And beyond that — without ovulation, our female body doesn’t produce the hormones that we need for health, fertility & optimal wellness (some of the key ingredients that help us THRIVE as women).

Without ovulation, there is NO Menstrual Cycle.

Learning about Ovulation is essential for understanding your health & body as a female.

Short-term zest from investing in this class:

  • Start tracking ovulation to be sure about which phase of your cycle you’re in

  • Get to know your fertile window, i.e. there only time in your cycle where it’s possible to fall pregnant, thereby helping bust the myth of being able to fall pregnant at any time in your cycle

  • Start to use ovulation as a way to help you manifest, tap into an abundance mindset, as creative energy for projects/work/art/life, as a natural motivator

In the long run, delving into this masterclass may help you:

  • Have a deeper understanding of your hormonal shifts, knowing how your hormones change before, during and after ovulation, and knowing how this affects your mood, energy, physical changes & symptoms

  • Start to learn a Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) — natural birth control, without a need for hormonal contraception — because you’re confident about when you ovulate

  • Use what you learn about ovulation to help you time intercourse when/if you’re ready to fall pregnant

  • Hold knowledge that you can share with your daughters & granddaughters to help them demystify their own bodies

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Includes PDF slides + links to video/audio replay

In this 1-hour-and-a-bit masterclass, I break down the biological, hormonal + spiritual importance of OVULATION.

As the queen of the Menstrual Cycle, Ovulation often gets overlooked for her much more obvious & overt sister, Menstruation. But without Ovulation, our periods don’t exist.

And beyond that — without ovulation, our female body doesn’t produce the hormones that we need for health, fertility & optimal wellness (some of the key ingredients that help us THRIVE as women).

Without ovulation, there is NO Menstrual Cycle.

Learning about Ovulation is essential for understanding your health & body as a female.

Short-term zest from investing in this class:

  • Start tracking ovulation to be sure about which phase of your cycle you’re in

  • Get to know your fertile window, i.e. there only time in your cycle where it’s possible to fall pregnant, thereby helping bust the myth of being able to fall pregnant at any time in your cycle

  • Start to use ovulation as a way to help you manifest, tap into an abundance mindset, as creative energy for projects/work/art/life, as a natural motivator

In the long run, delving into this masterclass may help you:

  • Have a deeper understanding of your hormonal shifts, knowing how your hormones change before, during and after ovulation, and knowing how this affects your mood, energy, physical changes & symptoms

  • Start to learn a Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) — natural birth control, without a need for hormonal contraception — because you’re confident about when you ovulate

  • Use what you learn about ovulation to help you time intercourse when/if you’re ready to fall pregnant

  • Hold knowledge that you can share with your daughters & granddaughters to help them demystify their own bodies

Includes PDF slides + links to video/audio replay

In this 1-hour-and-a-bit masterclass, I break down the biological, hormonal + spiritual importance of OVULATION.

As the queen of the Menstrual Cycle, Ovulation often gets overlooked for her much more obvious & overt sister, Menstruation. But without Ovulation, our periods don’t exist.

And beyond that — without ovulation, our female body doesn’t produce the hormones that we need for health, fertility & optimal wellness (some of the key ingredients that help us THRIVE as women).

Without ovulation, there is NO Menstrual Cycle.

Learning about Ovulation is essential for understanding your health & body as a female.

Short-term zest from investing in this class:

  • Start tracking ovulation to be sure about which phase of your cycle you’re in

  • Get to know your fertile window, i.e. there only time in your cycle where it’s possible to fall pregnant, thereby helping bust the myth of being able to fall pregnant at any time in your cycle

  • Start to use ovulation as a way to help you manifest, tap into an abundance mindset, as creative energy for projects/work/art/life, as a natural motivator

In the long run, delving into this masterclass may help you:

  • Have a deeper understanding of your hormonal shifts, knowing how your hormones change before, during and after ovulation, and knowing how this affects your mood, energy, physical changes & symptoms

  • Start to learn a Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) — natural birth control, without a need for hormonal contraception — because you’re confident about when you ovulate

  • Use what you learn about ovulation to help you time intercourse when/if you’re ready to fall pregnant

  • Hold knowledge that you can share with your daughters & granddaughters to help them demystify their own bodies

When I tune into who this work is for…

When I tune into who has benefit to receive from All About Ovulation

…the answer is anyone & everyone.

Anyone who has ever been born.

Anyone who ever will birth.

And, anyone who specifically does not want to birth.

Ovulation is the pinnacle of the Menstrual Cycle. 

It is the primal, first step that is needed to bring life into the world.

(And when I say life here, I’m not just talking about human life n’ babies)

Life is creation. 

Life is sex. 

Life is sensuality. 

Life is joy. 

Life is motivation. 

Life is purposeful work.

Life is seen & unseen; 

human & energetic.

How connected to your aliveness do you feel?

Ovulation is a key to your JUICY, ZESTY core essence — your aliveness — as a female.

And I truly believe when we ovulate — and when we are CONNECTED to this sacred biological function — we benefit everything & everyone around us.

It is ENERGY. Energy impacts life. Energy is life.

So — while everyone who has ever been born, or will ever birth (or will ever not birth, but live with a menstrual cycle) may not be ready to receive this work, take in the knowledge, reclaim this power within themselves…

I wholeheartedly believe this is the work that’s needed & suitable for anyone.

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